Rare opportunity ….. SOLD

A rare opportunity to acquire one of our older greenhouses which was glazed with lovely reclaimed early glass. Years ago, we had an extensive stock of blown cylinder and drawn sheet glass, reclaimed from some old country greenhouses, and we used some of this in a few of the little mobile frames. This glass has that distorted, wavy surface and a shinier, soft appearance which is much more attractive than modern horticultural glass.

We have a frame recovered from a neglected garden which has been cleaned and repainted, and is for sale at less than the price of a new one. We hardly ever get these back once they are gone, so this is a very unusual opportunity to buy one of the best. The frame comes with a pot tray in the upper level, and whitewashed wooden floor boards. It is completely sound, and in no way inferior to a new one - quite the opposite in fact, because of the glass.

Completely genuine, made in our own works some time ago.

The top photo is of the frame when we got it back. It is still undergoing painting……

Price: £1150. Delivery possible.

